
Healing & Wellness at Your Door-Step

Medical Facility Licensed By Dubai Health Authority (DHA)

Medical Facility Licensed By Dubai Health Authority (DHA)

Mother and Baby Care at Home in Sharjah

Sharjah’s Best Skilled Midwife Services

Mother And Baby Care at Home, Welcoming a new life into the world is undeniably one of life’s most profound experiences. Despite the challenges and adjustments it entails, the journey of childbirth is imbued with beauty and transformation. At Doctor on Call Home Health Care in Sharjah, we understand the significance of this pivotal moment and are committed to providing exceptional care for both mothers and their precious infants.

Our comprehensive mother and baby care services are designed with the unique needs of expectant women and newborns in mind. We recognize that this period is a delicate and critical time, requiring specialized attention and support. That’s why our team of skilled professionals is dedicated to delivering compassionate and personalized care tailored to each individual’s requirements.

One of the distinguishing features of our services is the provision of in-home care, which offers unparalleled comfort and convenience. We believe that being in familiar surroundings can greatly enhance the well-being of both mother and child during this transitional phase. By bringing our expertise directly to your doorstep, we aim to alleviate any stress or discomfort associated with traditional hospital visits.

Our specialist in-home mother and baby care services encompass a wide range of support, including postnatal care for mothers, newborn care, lactation support, and guidance on infant feeding and hygiene. Whether you require assistance with breastfeeding techniques, postpartum recovery, or simply navigating the challenges of early parenthood, our team is here to assist you every step of the way.

With Doctor on Call Home Health Care, you can rest assured knowing that you and your baby are in capable and caring hands. We prioritize your comfort, well-being, and peace of mind, striving to create a nurturing environment where you can thrive as a new parent. Experience the difference of our specialized mother and baby care services and embark on this incredible journey with confidence and support.

Mother and Baby Care at Home

Tailored Care for New Mothers

The postpartum period, often referred to as the fourth trimester, marks a significant phase of adjustment for new mothers, encompassing both physical and psychological changes. This period is characterized by a transition from pregnancy to parenthood, wherein dedicated caregivers play a pivotal role in providing invaluable support, guidance, and companionship. In the midst of this transformative journey, these caregivers offer essential assistance tailored to the needs of both the mother and the newborn, ensuring a nurturing environment conducive to recovery and bonding.

Our committed caregivers are adept at offering comprehensive mother and baby care services within the comfort of the home, catering to the unique requirements of each family. Their support extends beyond mere assistance with daily chores; it encompasses a holistic approach aimed at promoting the well-being of both mother and child. Whether it involves lending a helping hand with household tasks, preparing nutritious meals, or simply offering a compassionate presence, these caregivers strive to alleviate the burdens of the postpartum period and foster a sense of reassurance and comfort for the new mother.

Amidst the whirlwind of emotions and adjustments that accompany the postpartum experience, having a reliable support system in the form of compassionate caregivers can make all the difference. Their presence not only eases the transition into motherhood but also facilitates the establishment of a nurturing environment where both mother and baby can thrive. Through their unwavering commitment and expertise, these caregivers play an indispensable role in empowering new mothers, enabling them to navigate the challenges of the postpartum period with confidence and resilience.

Expert Newborn Care:

Caring for a newborn requires specialized attention and expertise to ensure their well-being and development. At our facility, our team of skilled caregivers possesses the necessary qualifications to provide your baby with the safest, most comfortable, and developmentally appropriate care possible. With their extensive training and experience, our caregivers adeptly manage all aspects of baby care, including feeding, diaper changes, and creating a serene sleeping environment conducive to restful nights.

Central to our approach is a strong partnership with parents, as we recognize the importance of honoring their individual habits and preferences. By collaborating closely with parents, we ensure a seamless and reliable childcare experience tailored to the unique needs of each family. This open communication fosters trust and allows us to incorporate parents’ insights into our caregiving practices, promoting consistency and continuity in the care provided to their precious little ones.

Furthermore, our caregivers are committed to staying updated on the latest research and best practices in infant care, enabling them to offer informed guidance and support to both parents and babies. Whether it’s implementing soothing techniques or addressing feeding concerns, our team is dedicated to promoting the optimal health and development of every child entrusted to our care.


In essence, our comprehensive approach to newborn care prioritizes safety, comfort, and development while fostering a collaborative partnership with parents. With our skilled caregivers and supportive environment, you can have peace of mind knowing that your baby is in capable hands, receiving the highest quality care and attention they deserve.

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Breastfeeding and Lactation Support:

Breastfeeding stands as an indispensable cornerstone in the journey of early infant nourishment, fostering vital connections and providing unparalleled nutrition. Despite its recognized importance, the path to successful breastfeeding can be fraught with challenges for new mothers. Recognizing this, our caregivers undergo extensive training in breastfeeding support, equipped with the skills to address common obstacles and impart effective latching techniques.

In our commitment to supporting mothers through their breastfeeding journey, we extend beyond mere encouragement. Our caregivers are adept at navigating the complexities of breastfeeding difficulties, offering personalized solutions tailored to each mother-infant dyad. Whether it’s addressing latch issues, discomfort, or concerns about milk supply, our team is dedicated to providing comprehensive support every step of the way.

Moreover, we understand the importance of flexibility in infant feeding practices. For mothers who may face obstacles to direct breastfeeding, we offer guidance on expressing and storing breast milk. This ensures that infants continue to receive the optimal nutrition and immune protection afforded by breast milk, even in situations where direct nursing may not be feasible.


By empowering mothers with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the intricacies of breastfeeding, we aim to facilitate a seamless and fulfilling breastfeeding experience. Our goal is to empower mothers with the confidence and support needed to embark on this important journey, ensuring that every child receives the healthiest start in life.

Hygiene and Safety:

Ensuring a clean and safe environment is paramount when caring for both mothers and infants. Our caregivers adhere to strict hygiene protocols, meticulously maintaining cleanliness to ensure your home remains a comfortable and welcoming space. With a steadfast commitment to prioritizing the health and safety of both mother and child, we go above and beyond to sanitize infant equipment and employ proper techniques during diaper changes.

Maintaining a hygienic atmosphere not only fosters physical well-being but also promotes peace of mind for mothers, allowing them to focus on nurturing their newborns without worry. From meticulously sterilizing feeding bottles to sanitizing play areas, every aspect of our care is meticulously tailored to safeguard the health and comfort of both mother and child.

We understand the importance of creating a nurturing environment where mothers can feel confident in the care their infants receive. Through our dedication to cleanliness and safety measures, we strive to provide peace of mind, allowing mothers to cherish precious moments with their babies without concern for their well-being.


By upholding rigorous hygiene standards and prioritizing safety practices, we aim to create a sanctuary where mothers and infants can thrive together, fostering a bond built on trust and security. Our commitment to excellence ensures that every aspect of our care is designed to enhance the well-being of both mother and child, promoting a harmonious environment conducive to growth and happiness.

Emotional Support:

Ensuring the well-being of new mothers encompasses both physical and mental dimensions, recognizing the profound impact that emotional health has on overall wellness. At our facility, we prioritize the mental health of mothers during the postpartum period, understanding that it can often be characterized by a rollercoaster of emotions. From the elation of welcoming a newborn to the challenges of adjusting to new responsibilities, our caregivers are committed to offering comprehensive support.

Emotional support plays a pivotal role in assisting mothers as they navigate the complexities of the postpartum journey. Whether experiencing moments of overwhelming joy or grappling with feelings of anxiety and uncertainty, our team is dedicated to providing a compassionate presence. We understand that each mother’s experience is unique and may require tailored approaches to address their specific needs and concerns.

In addition to individualized support, we actively promote opportunities for mothers to connect with others who may be going through similar experiences. Facilitating access to nearby support groups fosters a sense of community and solidarity, offering a valuable network for sharing stories, advice, and encouragement. Through these connections, mothers can find comfort in knowing that they are not alone in their journey and gain strength from the collective support of peers.


Our commitment to fostering mental and emotional wellness extends beyond mere reassurance; it involves empowering mothers to prioritize self-care and seek help when needed. By equipping them with the tools and resources to navigate the ups and downs of the postpartum period, we strive to promote resilience and empower mothers to embrace their roles with confidence and vitality. In doing so, we aim to cultivate an environment where mothers feel supported, understood, and empowered to prioritize their mental health alongside their physical well-being.

Enhanced Motivation

At our service, we recognize the unique requirements of each family, understanding that no two situations are alike. We pride ourselves on offering adaptable and personalized Mother and Baby Care services tailored to your specific needs. This flexibility allows you to choose the level of care that aligns best with your family’s dynamics and lifestyle.

Whether you need assistance for specific hours of the day or require comprehensive care around the clock, our team works closely with you to craft a customized care plan that fits seamlessly into your routine. By prioritizing collaboration and communication, we ensure that every aspect of the care plan reflects your preferences and goals, providing peace of mind and support when you need it most.

Our commitment to personalized care extends beyond mere convenience; it encompasses a deep understanding of the unique challenges and joys that come with welcoming a new addition to your family. By tailoring our services to your individual circumstances, we strive to make the transition into parenthood as smooth and stress-free as possible, allowing you to focus on bonding with your baby and enjoying this precious time together.


Whether you’re a first-time parent navigating the uncertainties of newborn care or seeking support for expanding your family, our adaptable Mother and Baby Care services are here to provide the assistance and reassurance you need. With our collaborative approach and commitment to customization, we aim to empower you to create the ideal caregiving arrangement that supports your family’s well-being and fosters a nurturing environment for both parent and child.

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